
Ratings and reviews can also be found on my Google Business page and Facebook page.

"My work with Lua has been absolutely life changing! It is crazy to reflect on where my nervous system and overall mental, emotional, and spiritual health was a year ago. Before seeing Lua my nervous system was in constant fight or flight / freeze mode and I was experiencing extreme mental breakdowns, confusion, and thought that I had BPD. After working with Lua and understanding the nervous system I was able to rewire myself and approach life with a completely new lens. I now feel so much more in control of my emotions, thoughts, and life. I feel a sense of safety and understanding of my body that I never felt before. Lua creates a space where I feel safe and comfortable to share ALL of my emotions without fear of what may come up in session. I always leave each session with Lua feeling like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders."


"This work encompassed exactly what I was missing in traditional therapy. Thank you, Lua."


"I highly recommend working with Lua. I had many years of such intense bodily sensations that I was in and out of the ER and going to a different specialist seemingly every couple of months. I was sure that I had an autoimmune condition or issues with my heart. And every time a doctor told me that I was "fine," I remember feeling such intense frustration. There was no way I was "fine," when I couldn't engage with anything in life and was experiencing intense pain or spasticity in my body nearly every day.

I came to Lua with some understanding of the nervous system and what dysregulation was due to my line of work in the Speech and Occupational therapy world along with reflection of traumas in my childhood, but I needed help with those next steps of how my body could actually feel and process it all. From the first session, Lua provided me with a safe and shared space that has been so integral to our work together. She's given my mind and body the ability to come to terms with so much stored trauma and tension, and, ultimately, let go of it through her somatic touch.

Lua helped me learn that my nervous system's freeze, fawn, and fight or flight responses are both natural and were completely necessary for my survival through adverse conditions in childhood. I now have greater space to recognize if I fall back into those patterns and can give myself compassion.

I'm more in tune with my body than I've ever been. Even if I do have strong sensations that arise, I'm able to approach them with curiosity and a desire to understand what my body is indicating rather than suppressing or ignoring them. Most importantly, I now have the ability to hold the seemingly contradictory feelings and experiences of life.

I'm so grateful for Lua and can't recommend her somatic work enough - I truly believe it's life-changing!"


"When I first met with Lua, I felt broken by the state of my marriage, could not trust my body and the pain it was in (which was significant), and did not know how to say no authentically. In my work with Lua, I have felt lighter, more connected to my mind, heart and body, and more grounded in all that I do. I have worked through trauma that lived in my past and was recurring in my present, which has allowed me to release energy, develop healthy boundaries for myself, and get connected to my truth. Lua's abilities have no bounds and I love the various techniques that she is so adept at doing and teaching: nervous system work, body work, visioning, meditation and productive rest. I have recommended several of my friends to Lua who not only thank me, but together we thank the universe for showing her to us and for changing our lives."


"Lua is an expert in her field and knows how to get you to tap into your own intuition and wisdom to heal yourself."


"I have found Somatic Therapy, specifically with Lua an answer in my quest for healing. It is propelling me forward to my goals of health more deeply and more quickly then three years of talk therapy. My goal intentions are: to rest, sleep 6+ hours a night, find peace and heal spirit, soul and body. Lua facilitates by teaching me strategies that are making my dreams come true. I'm not all the way there yet I know I will get there. I know it. I have so much hope because of the work I've done so far with Lua. I was having one good night of sleep a week when I started and I am now sleeping six hours plus a night and having one or two bad nights a week. Due to my lifestyle prior to therapy I thought resting was being lazy and that pushing yourself was good. Now I rest when I need to and think positive thoughts about myself when resting. Boundaries have always been difficult for me and now I find myself saying no when I need to. I am finding my voice and it is coming out stronger and more sure. I am also letting people who love and support me know my needs. I have had low back pain and hip and calve pain. It is now manageable and diminishing as I continue this work. I have such high respect and admiration for Lua. She is always supportive, and helps me through Somatic strategies to move towards my goals. She is empathetic, kind, loving and is highly skilled in the work she does. She honors the work we do together always. She lets me find the words and the feelings within me, helping me find my own answers. If I get stuck she is right there intuitively helping guide through a strategy. I have never experienced inner work that has been so helpful."


"I can't quite put into words what working with Lua is like. I'll start by saying, if you feel burned out of traditional therapy and are desperate for a new approach, you need to work with her! In the few months I've spent with her, I've learned more about myself than years with other counselors/therapists. She helped me to reconnect to my inner child, laugh more, and truly find joy in my otherwise default pessimism. I often find myself thinking in my day-to-day, WWLS? (What would Lua say) if I was talking to her right now? 🤣 I'm almost always able to pull myself back out of a spiral thanks to the skills she's taught me. I'm truly grateful I found her along my path and feel indebted to her for the insights she's given me. If for whatever reason you're holding back, take this review as your sign to book with her, you won't regret it!"


"I reaped more benefits with Lua coaching me in 40 days than I did with a psychotherapist in 5 months time."


"After facing a stage 2 cancer diagnosis, chemotherapy, and surgeries, I felt depleted. I felt out of sync with my body and even feared it. Going through somatic therapy gave me the tools to help me get in tune with all the good in my life, in this body of mine. Lua held space for me to understand meditation, to express difficult emotions, and to trust that my body can heal. My relationships have improved, my pain level reduced and I was able to use what I learned in my family and daily life. If you want a way to trust everything that you've gone through will turn out ok, this is the way, the way to finally let go of all the things that hold you back."


"When traditional therapy wasn't working, and I continued to feel out of control, I knew it was time for a change. My childhood didn't seem traumatic, but my parents' strict parenting definitely left its mark. Also, being a natural people pleaser and struggling to say no added to my challenges. That's when I Googled trauma therapy and came across Lua. Initially, I was apprehensive and unsure of what to expect. But after just 2-3 sessions with Lua, there was a noticeable shift. I began feeling more at ease. Saying no (without feeling guilty) became easier, and I wasn't as fixated on the past anymore. I started prioritizing my own needs, while still being the best wife, daughter, sister, and friend possible. My husband and friends have observed a positive change in me. I'm calmer and more composed, yet still retain my bubbly personality. Lua has been nothing short of a revelation in my journey of personal growth and healing. Her approach is not only professional but also profoundly empathetic, which makes every session with her a transformative experience. She has this unique ability to make you feel seen and understood, which is rare and invaluable. Lua's insights are deeply perceptive, often illuminating aspects of my life and my patterns that I had never considered before. Her guidance is gentle yet impactful, helping me navigate through my issues with a newfound clarity and strength. Her sessions are not just about addressing past and present challenges; they're about equipping you with the tools and understanding to handle future hurdles more effectively. Moreover, Lua's warmth and authenticity make every interaction with her a joy. She doesn't just listen; she truly hears you, and this level of attentiveness is incredibly affirming. In a world where genuine connections are rare, Lua's dedication to her work and her clients shines brightly. In recommending Lua to others, I would emphasize not only her exceptional skills as a therapist but also her innate ability to foster an environment of growth, understanding, and lasting change. She is a beacon of support and wisdom, and I believe anyone who works with her will see profound transformations in their lives. Luar is not just a therapist; she's a life-changer. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Lua!"


“I have found Somatic Therapy, specifically with Lua, an answer in my quest for healing. It is propelling me forward to my goals of health more deeply and more quickly than three years of talk therapy.”


"My main challenges were constant stress and inability to sleep and rest due to familial relationship trauma. I have learned how to give myself permission to experience growth and to accept the sleep needed afterward to balance my mind and body.  Without the coaching, I was in a constant state of panic and sadness. Depression and lack of self worth consumed me. The challenges and reflections that were gently advised have let me grow and become more aware of good, as well as things I need to work on. This coaching was intense from a personal perspective, and I find it has changed my life in a positive way.

I reaped more benefits with Lua coaching me in 40 days than I did with a psychotherapist in 5 months time. It was well worth my time and energy. Lua expertly guided me to self revelation and offered insight and encouragement to my resulting temporary fatigue after working to understand the many layers I have been hiding under for years.  She's helped me identify the biggest struggles that I have emotionally, and expertly led me to realize how its affecting me physically."


"This work is the FOUNDATION of all other work.. it’s hard to know what one needs if they don’t know themselves deeply enough. I can truly say that knowing myself on a deeper level, I need only my inner compass. 

I felt deeply impacted by Lua’s ability to help cultivate and encourage my self-trust, and her celebratory attitude towards my Becoming. Lua’s skilled approach in creating space and using intentionality, allowed me to explore my inner landscape and come to my own realizations. I felt safe and seen. This work encompassed exactly what I was missing in traditional therapy. Thank you, Lua."


“In the few months I've spent with her, I've learned more about myself than years with other counselors/ therapists.”


"I came to Lua Zawacki with the feeling of being 'stuck', and the feeling that 'I needed help'. The specific shifts that I have seen mainly revolve around my life mission and my heart. I feel more loved than ever, and I realize that everything is happening the way it needs to in my life to prepare me for what lies ahead.  This coaching allowed me to explore what I truly enjoy, and it re-kindled some lost joys. It also offered a safe space for me to explore what is truly holding me back, and why I felt "stuck" in the first place. What I like most about Lua is how she welcomes people. I feel Lua is great for any female that has been traumatized and needs help self-regulating and getting back on course after losing connection with her own body. Lua is extremely trauma-informed, and her somatic approach works extremely well for Highly Sensitive People/Females, like myself, who need help getting back in touch with what it is like to feel again, especially after being disconnected from the body as a means to cope with trauma."


"The specific results I've seen since working with Lua are too many to count. I feel more grounded and confident in parenting, work and my spiritual life. I have tools to deal with the inevitable emotional bumps that life throws me. I navigated a tricky time in my life with moving house, taking leaps in my business and parenting issues while being able to maintain peace and perspective.

Lua is kind, gentle and extremely intuitive. She is very professional in her communications and I always felt like she came ready to our calls very grounded and ready to support me fully. It was easy to share my heart with her and never felt judged when I needed a good cry or a good laugh! No matter what I brought to our sessions, she flowed with me in ease.

Working with Lua has integrated all the aspects of my being. I used to feel very disjointed in my work, my home life, my relationship and my Faith. Now I feel like one whole ball of goodness :)

I HIGHLY recommend Lua as a coach for ALL aspects of life. She has helped me lower anxiety, increase my confidence, integrate my spirit and mind, make smart business decisions and overall increase my sense of peace, love and joy!"


"Lua is great for any woman that has been traumatized and needs help self-regulating and getting back on course after losing connection with her own body."


"Lua clarifies and connects those missing dots that you didn't even realize were missing. She is very intuitive, loving and kind with you as you navigate your goals, experiences and body signals. She is a great guide to connect body and soul, I am grateful for working with her and helping me find inner confidence, peace and self worth."


"Before working with Lua, I was very spread thin work-wise and personally. I was also pretty anxious, a people-pleaser and had difficulty making decisions that were healthy for me.

Since working with Lua, I have cleared a number of things off my plate that were not serving me, have created daily practices for connecting to myself and my needs, and feel much more connected to my higher self and my intuition. I have made and continue making changes to my business so that it meets my needs rather than the other way around. I have done a large amount of deep emotional healing and have the tools to continue to heal so that I can fully embody my life's purpose."


“Lua helped me heal from the most painful tragedies that inhabited my body and spirit. She helped me realize my own inner power, infusing me with ability to finally live my dreams. She made me feel heard and loved when I needed it the most.”


"I had many breakthrough moments when working with Lua. She has a wonderful way of seeing the bigger picture behind and between the words and offering this back in a wise and compassionate way to create crucial new awareness in her clients. 

The new awareness I have of the knowledge held within my body has also been life changing. When I feel confused or overwhelmed and my mind is agitated, I am able to tune in to my body, listen to what it tells me and know the way forward.

For this I will be eternally grateful for most of us are so disconnected from the primal knowledge of our bodies and it is a truly powerful thing to be in touch with. I am now confident to completely trust my instinct.

I worked with Lua at a really difficult, uncertain and unstable period in my life, and the tools she helped me to develop have been invaluable in navigating the ongoing situation. I now prioritise aspects of my own well-being in ways I never did before. I have more compassion for myself and more commitment and determination to create the life I want to be living. I believe I can have the life I want, and when the little voice in my mind tries to tell me otherwise, I am equipped to recognise that for what it is and overcome the challenges it brings. 

I looked forward to our sessions, and they felt like an anchor in my week.  I can’t recommend working with Lua highly enough."


"Working with Lua has had such a wonderful impact on my life. I've gained more confidence, been able to let go of old negative patterns that were harming my body and the tension headaches I was having frequently as a result of pain in my neck, head and shoulders gradually disappeared and I've been free of them now for 3 months, so grateful.  

Lua is a caring, supportive and very intuitive. I highly recommend working with her if you’re looking to make a positive change in your life or heal and learn from your body."


“Lua helped me find my true self. She has equipped me with the tools to navigate this confusing life with more clarity and authenticity. So grateful!"


"I loved working with Lua. She has a very loving and nourishing energy, and I felt safe, supported, validated, seen and heard. With her guidance and intuitive wisdom, I’ve been able to tune into myself and feel more present in my body. I’m so grateful for Lua, and I highly recommend her as a somatic coach."


"A session with Lua is like tapping into the energy of the universe, releasing the blockages inside that don’t let you move forward, and gaining the ability to finally soar.  In fact, every single session with Lua yielded an immense breakthrough in my inner well-being and progress.  What truly sets Lua apart is her ability to see the real you past all the life’s limitations you’ve set upon yourself.  Lua’s energy is so powerful and loving, it continues guiding you even after your session with her.  

Lua is truly a miracle worker and I recommend her with all my heart.  She helped change my life for the better, she helped me heal from the most painful tragedies that inhabited my body and spirit, she also helped me realize my own inner power, infusing me with ability to finally live my dreams.  She made me feel heard and loved when I needed it the most."


"I have such high respect and admiration for Lua. I have never experienced inner work that has been so helpful."


"I would highly recommend Lua as a Somatic Coach and Practitioner. My sessions with Lua were deeply healing on many levels, emotionally, physically and most importantly for me intuitively. She is deeply engaged, guiding me through some challenging habits and beliefs. She has helped me integrate new skills with gentleness, deep knowledge of her work, and with integrity."


"Lua is a powerful healer and coach, and facilitates deep transformation in the way she works with clients. If you are desiring to reconnect with your embodied wisdom and enhance personal boundaries, I would highly recommend Lua!"


"I highly recommend somatic therapy to anyone who needs help with anxiety, nervous system work, self esteem, trauma healing. Lua has a beautiful gift. I am so grateful to be working with her."


You are meant to be at peace.